Thursday, April 09, 2009

The One credits Islam for shaping America....unbelievable!

I've blogged on this topic before but after what Chairman Zero said in Turkey the other day, it bears revisiting....

"We will convey our deep appreciation for the Islamic faith, which has done so much over the centuries to shape the world — including in my own country."
--Barack Obama to the Turkish Parliament April 6, 2009

...including my own country? Are you frickin' serious?

I'm sorry but Islam has done nothing to contribute anything but misery, persecution, and despair to the world. It is a barbaric cult of backwards savages that detracts from the world, not contributes to it. That Obama would lie prostrate before Islam by saying this is beyond embarrassing.

Besides forcing law-abiding, American travelers to stand shoeless in long lines in airports, waiting to suffer all manner of indignity and humiliation as TSA folks rifle through our harmless bags, what has Islam contributed to the US?

Besides rearranging the New York City skyline, what has Islam contributed to the US?

Historically, besides forcing the creation of the US Marines in the 1800's to combat Islamic, Barbary Coast pirates, what has Islam contributed to the US?

Have any new inventions, medicines, architecture, innovations, art, technological advances, or anything useful, anything at all come from the part of the world that practices radical Islam?

What did Obama mean by the statement, "including my own country"? I mean if he considers himself American, and not Indonesian.

That the feckless sychophants that make up our media(other than Fox News) will never ask him this question is dispicable!

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