Sunday, April 12, 2009

Navy SEAL's-3, Somali pirates-0

In case you missed it, a Navy SEAL team jumped out of a C-130 with their boats and equipment, in the dead of night, boarded the USS Bainbridge and took up hidden positions with three sniper rifles, and they waited, and waited, and waited. President Obama gave the green light and when all three pirates showed their heads(one in a window and the other two out of fresh air vents) three high-velocity rounds scrambled their brains simultaneously and freed Captain Phillips.

Seriously, I can't wait for the book or TV movie or whatever. What a great country!

Look for more posts on this as the fallout upsets the panty-wastes at the UN.


  1. I didn't know about the rescue until this morning when I looked at the newspaper. Even though the article I read irked me, I was thrilled and proud of our country - especially the military.

    This operation was "personally approved by Barack Obama". Never mind the military because their action "risked PROVOKING retaliatory attacks".
    Quotes - Associated Press

    We all know ass kissing is Obama's first line of defense. He thinks he can schmooze his way among dictators and terrorists. Was this a lesson to him?

    And the use of the word "provoke" is what I had a problem with...the big bad Americans again.

  2. Right you are Tracie. I'm afraid Obama will play kissy-ass with the UN and defer to their rule of not letting merchant ships be armed. That's insanity! Whether we attack Somalia on land or not, we should tell the UN where to stick it and arm our ships.

  3. Hang in there folks. Just a few more years before we get someone tough back in the White House! "Bring 'em on!" Palin would've been nailin' this one!

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