Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Media-driven hysteria over Swine flu

As you might have expected, the media has overblown the swine flu "pandemic"....

A member of the World Health Organisation (WHO) has dismissed claims that more than 150 people have died from swine flu, saying it has officially recorded only seven deaths around the world.

Vivienne Allan, from WHO's patient safety program, said the body had confirmed that worldwide there had been just seven deaths - all in Mexico - and 79 confirmed cases of the disease.

Only 7 dead people, all in Mexico, from the swine flu. Compare that number with the CDC's estimate that on average 36,000 people die each year from garden-variety influenza. It makes all the breathless reporting and hysteria over swine flu kind of silly doesn't it?


  1. Gots to ramp up the hysteria so the public becomes immune to it. Then they can unleash the REAL superbugs and... at first... everyone will just roll their eyes and go on about their business. SSDD and all.

    They're just working their way up the "ickiness" scale at this point. Ever wonder how a virus with porcine, avian, and human origins from different continents can just happen to crop up one day - in a center like Mexico City where people have a tough time getting their hands on stuff as relatively mundane as Tamiflu?

  2. Angie, governments have conspired to do far more insidious things. You might be on to something.

  3. Yes, they have; and yes, they continue to do so. Just look at the AF-1 fiasco. They KNEW it would stir panic but ordered silence and did what they wanted anyhow - WITHOUT CONSEQUENCE.

    I trust this administration (and the entirety of our so-called "bicameral" Congress) about as far as I can throw the Empire State Building.

    WTP (We The People) are an inconvenience. *I* see it, but I hold little hope for Barack's Screaming Masses to ever see it - until he's "thrown them under the bus" (in more ways than one, and most likely literally speaking).

    By then, it will be too little, too late.
