Thursday, April 16, 2009

Hillary's solution for solving high-seas piracy

Here's how clueless the Obama administration is about dealing with barbaric 17th Century criminals. Apparently Hillary thinks there's a pirate bank somewhere that takes pirate plunder and invests it in long-term T-bills and diversified money-market funds....

Clinton said she will work with the Somali government to crack down on pirate dens and make marine marauding less appealing to young Somali men; enlist foreign governments, shipping firms and insurance companies to better coordinate security and counterattacks, and try to seize the pirates' assets.

"They're buying faster and more capable vessels," she said. "There are ways to crack down on companies that would do business with pirates."

There is no Somali government. What is she talking about? And, pirates don't buy boats, by definition, they steal them. What's wrong with dealing with pirates the same way we dealt with them 300 years ago? We sink all their ships, destroy their headquarters and hideouts, and kill them. How many Somali teens will choose "Pirate on the High Seas" as an occupation when all their buddies before them float back to shore riddled with bullet holes and shark bites? They'll choose opium dealer, arms dealer, or land-based mercenary as a career field instead.

"Seize the pirates' assets".....gimme a frickin' break!

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