Friday, April 17, 2009

The EPA....soon to be Obama's version of the SS

The morons over at the EPA have laid the groundwork for the most sweeping seizure of control of American industry and lifestyles....ever! And it's all in the name of the imaginary menace of climate change.....

WASHINGTON (AP) - The Environmental Protection Agency concluded Friday that greenhouse gases linked to climate change "endanger public health and welfare," setting the stage for regulating them under federal clean air laws.

The EPA action marks the first step toward imposing limits on pollution linked to climate change, which would mean tighter rules for cars and power plants. Agency officials cautioned such regulations are expected to be part of a lengthy process and not issued anytime soon.

In announcing the proposed finding, EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson said it "confirms that greenhouse gas pollution is a serious problem now and for future generations."

It doesn't confirm anything but that Lisa Jackson is a deranged, global-warming sycophant who agrees with liberals' intent to bankrupt the country with pointless regulation on harmless CO2. When the smarmy bureaucrats at the EPA control all emissions, they control what, where, and when you may drive and how much more you'll pay for pretty much everything. And they'll have the unchecked power of the federal government to enforce their disastrous regulations. Failure to comply will result in harsh punishment and dissent from State-defined, environmental dogma will not be tolerated. Modern environmentalism is the new Nazism.

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