Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The correct assessment, for the wrong reasons

Even in the land of fruits and nuts, they've figured out that biofuels are a pointless waste, if not a harmful waste....

California regulators, trying to assess the true environmental cost of corn ethanol, are poised to declare that the biofuel cannot help the state reduce global warming.

The regulators are right. Biofuels cannot reduce global warming, but not because putting our food in our gas tanks actually spends more carbon than petroleum. It's because GLOBAL WARMING IS A PREPOSTEROUS MYTH!!!!

If biofuels were efficient products for energy, consumers would be demanding them. But only moronic, granola-munching hippies want to pay more money for a less efficient fuel on behalf of a menace that exists only in the minds of deranged, would-be eco-tyrants like Al Gore.

Biofuels.....I swear!

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