Thursday, January 08, 2009

Government education......FAIL!

You want to know in a nutshell what's wrong with government education in this country? Corrupt, miserable bureaucrats.....

Chicago public school bureaucrats skirted competitive bidding rules to buy 30 cappuccino/espresso machines for $67,000, with most of the machines going unused because the schools they were ordered for had not asked for them, according to a report by the CPS Office of Inspector General.

That was just one example of questionable CPS actions detailed in the inspector general's 2008 annual report. Others included high school staffers changing grades to pump up transcripts of student athletes and workers at a restricted-enrollment grade school falsifying addresses to get relatives admitted.

In most school districts, there are at least as many useless, pointy-headed administrators as there are teachers and principles. And there's very little oversight over what they spend. This is where all the tax money goes.....enriching the lives of idle, corrupt administrators rather than updating the computer labs, recruiting better teachers, or investing in better textbooks.

Your hard-earned tax dollars buy cappuccino machines because education bureaucrats need pampering too.


  1. Public schools are bottomless money pits. Many cite lack of funding as an excuse for failure, but they spend on things like this - or Wii systems or whatever the fad may be.

    They all claim to need more money, but I'm willing to bet they'll still suck after Obama pours a ton of tax payer cash into them.

  2. Right you are Tracie. It's not about money, it's about fraud, waste, and abuse of money in the hands of incompetent, lazy, corrupt teachers and an over-abundance of highly-paid administrators who do nothing.

  3. The bad thing is they don't even see the insanity of what they're doing. They really believe they're helping the little dumb people in the world - and think they deserve mega compensation for their heroism.
