Thursday, January 22, 2009

The Wonder Boy....or garden variety tax cheat?

Here's Timothy Geithner, Obama's supposedly brilliant pick for Treasury Sec., answering questions about the economy and his tax problems....

WASHINGTON -- Timothy Geithner, President Barack Obama's pick for Treasury secretary, told lawmakers that "substantial" and "dramatic" action will be needed to resolve the financial crisis but said the Obama administration was still determining how best to tackle the problem.

At his confirmation hearing before the Senate Finance Committee, Mr. Geithner also apologized for failing to pay some past employment taxes, saying he made careless but unintentional mistakes and corrected the errors.

This guy cheated on his taxes, at least two different ways that we know of, for four years and only paid back the money when he was outed by the vetting process. He wants us to believe that they were simple preparation mistakes that anybody could make. And they are, simple mistakes the somebody like me might make. But Obama has led us to believe he's the boy genius and he's the only one who can save the country from disaster.

If he's so brilliant, how could he possibly make stupid, pedestrian mistakes that I could make, on his tax returns....for four years running?

Here's the Boy Wonder, demonstrating to the friendly Senate how he'll turn the screws to the American people in the name of the Obamessiah.

How old is this guy? He looks to be fresh out of college. I think Obama picked him because he promised to implement whatever disasterous, Keynesian economic policy Team Obama tells him to.

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