Thursday, January 22, 2009

The Socialization of America

I've been teiling you people that this government bailout frenzy is the biggest and most treacherous bamboozeling of the American taxpayer in history. Well, here's a democrat staffer not able to answer questions and twisting in the wind under scrutiny from a republican on the Ways and Means committee.....

And The One tells us that he might demand as much as 4Trillion more. The first 350billion did absolutely nothing but line the pockets of Sec. Paulson's friends on Wall Street, and now we're going to throw another 1-4Trillion after it? Down the bottomless rathole of government promises?

What you are witnessing, for those of you who haven't read Atlas Shrugged, is the socialization of America. Nothing makes craven democrats happier than as many Americans as possible dependent on the governmnet, and that's exactly what they're engineering with this bailout nonsense. Sadly, there are far too many reprehensible republicans who are all hopey and changey these days to stand in the way.

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