Sunday, January 18, 2009

Obama is too cozy with Hamas

Don't try to tell me the Obama administration won't be embarrassingly and perhaps treacherously Islamophilic....

One of the religious leaders invited to address Barack Obama’s inaugural prayer service Wednesday heads an Islamic group named by federal prosecutors as a co-conspirator in a terrorism-fundraising trial in Texas.

Ingrid Mattson, president of the Islamic Society of North America, is scheduled to join Christian ministers and Jewish rabbis offering prayers for the new president and his family during a service at the National Cathedral in Washington, organizers announced Friday.

Mattson’s group calls itself “the largest Muslim umbrella organization” in North America. However, in May 2007, federal prosecutors included ISNA on a list of nearly 300 co-conspirators filed in a criminal case charging that the Holy Land Foundation of Richardson, Texas, funneled more than $12 million to Hamas.

The U.S. government designated Hamas as a terrorist group in 1995.

The Obama campaign tried to sneak by $24,000 dollars in illegal campaign contributions from known Hamas associates in Gaza. Any, any money accepted from foreigners by a presidential campaign is illegal and, The One denied and denied it until the feds proved it. I think this is only the beginning of the love affair The One will have with Islam. How pitiful are we Americans to have elected as President, on the basis of race and personality alone, an unqualified community agitator who has an Islamic name and has demonstrable affection for the very cult that wants us destroyed? Pitiful!

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