Friday, January 23, 2009

Liberals are dumber than monkeys

You'd think that even the stupidest of liberals could grasp the simple and obvious concept that rewarding individuals for not working is bad for society.....but then you'd be wrong.....

From an article in NationalGeographic,

In recent tests designed to assess monkeys' sense of fairness, a group of brown capuchin monkeys "went on strike" and refused to perform routine tasks when they saw others receiving greater rewards for the same tasks.

The more effort the primates used to earn a reward, the more upset they appeared to be at the inequity, according to scientists who conducted the research.

Building on previous research, Sarah Brosnan of Georgia State University in Atlanta, and her team tested six pairs of monkeys on a simple task: handing a token to a human examiner in return for a food reward.

When monkeys noticed that their partners received better rewards for the same task—a cherished grape instead of a bit of cucumber—they became likely to refuse participation, the study showed.

The behavior, called inequity aversion, might have its roots in activities like food gathering, in which primates can suffer if they cooperate with others who do not do their share of work, Brosnan said.

Even monkeys will rebel against a system that compels them to work for less reward, while other monkeys do little or nothing for greater reward. When will the productive class in America rebel against the same system, under which we currently toil?

This guy is smarter than the average democrat Obama voter.

Hat tip to Moonbattery.

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