Thursday, January 01, 2009

Happy New Year!

I hope everybody had a safe and fun New Year's celebration.

On the international front, I think Obama and Hillary will be stepping in a big pile of crap and they don't have the shoes for it. Gaza/Israel, Pakistan/India, Afghanistan/Iraq, Iran, Cuba, Venezuela, North Korea, and Africa in general, collectively represent far more trouble than these two, self-involved amateurs can handle.

What ever happens, '09 will be moving fast and TRR will be there to cover it, so try to keep up.


  1. Ed maybe you should have been more liberal and put up a post 8 hours earlier for your readers in east china saying it was their happy new year as well. You need to include everyone so you don't offend those 3 chinese readers.

  2. Ed,
    I agree with Michael. How insensitive of you. The U.S. is not the only country with a New Year. If you and the TRR are to be successful in the new administration you'll have to broaden your appeal by adopting all multi-cultural and PC axioms.

    However, if you do this, count me out.

  3. Me adopting multiculturalism is not bloody likely. Nobody in any other countries wished me a happy new year. We don't gather here to be nice to each other. We come to TRR to expose the corrupt, villify the political class, and mock the stupid.

  4. Oh yeah, since Hong Kong is part of China, I have at minimum 11 readers in communist China. There are 11 different IP addresses in China that come to TRR. How many actual readers that represents, I can only guess.
