Tuesday, January 20, 2009

As the Bush's head for Texas, democrats show how classy they are.......FAIL!!!

I wouldn't have predicted anything dignified from a throng of embittered, hateful, childish democrats....

Shortly before 1 p.m., former President George W. Bush left from the Capitol grounds via a U.S. Marine helicopter to head to Andrews Air Force Base for a flight to Midland, Texas.

MSNBC covered the send-off and viewers at home could hear inaugural attendees near the MSNBC location chanting "Hey, Hey, Hey, Good Bye" as they watched Executive One fly over the Mall.

What a bunch of degenerate, classless trash Obama voters are! After the 2000 election, the Clinton zealots acted the same way toward the Bush's as the Clintons left the White House and the Bush's arrived.

Grow up, scumbags!

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