Friday, January 30, 2009

The biggest crap sandwich......evah!!!!

I'm getting a little tired of conservatives like Sean Hannity, defending these bankers who're awarding themselves and their buddies millions in bonuses, funded by taxpayer bailouts, as Americans by the millions lose their jobs, in part because of how incompetently these bankers did theirs. The lame-ass defense they offer, is that in order to keep the best and brightest minds at the banks, they have to be given bonuses. If these criminal morons were the best and the brightest, then why are their banks going out of business? But for the infusion of billions of dollars of other peoples' money, they'd be unemployed too. These bankers aren't the best and brightest and most talented. They're the most criminally clever, that's for sure. The best you can say about them is that they are stupid and incompetent, and the worst is that they are criminals who're guilty of fraud, embezzlement, and theft, and should be in jail somewhere, rather than enjoying their $3million bonuses with their ditzy trophy wives in the Carribean.

Don't get me wrong. I have no problem whatsoever with banks turning as much profit as they can. It's the only purpose of a business. But when they demonstrate incompetence that approaches criminality, and are bailed out by taxpayers, many of whom are unemployed because of them, they should not be awarding themselves bonuses. Hannity is wrong on this one.

Sean offers this red herring as an argument: where's the outrage at how miserably the government has managed social security, education, etc? Why pick on the bankers and Wall Street types?

My answer: I've been outraged at the government for 20 years for it's corruption and incompetence. But when you have 40% of the voting population dependent on government in some way, you keep winding up with crooks in office regardless of your outrage.

The first $350billion was completely squandered by these guys. I wish Sean Hannity would tell me how it's right that that much money ended up in their pockets and they still won't ease the loan restrictions? Now congress is poised to give them another $1trillion, and we expect different exactly?

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