Saturday, December 27, 2008

Israel doles out severe punishment to Hamas

You have to wonder just how stupid the guys over at Hamas in the Gaza Strip really are...

Israeli warplanes retaliating for rocket fire from the Gaza Strip pounded dozens of security compounds across the Hamas-ruled territory in unprecedented waves of airstrikes Saturday, killing nearly 200 people and wounding 270 others in the single bloodiest day of fighting in years.
The air offensive followed weeks of intense Palestinian rocket and mortar fire on southern Israel, and Israeli leaders had issued increasingly tough warnings in recent days that they would not tolerate continued attacks.

Defense Minister Ehud Barak said Israel would expand the operation if necessary. "There is a time for calm and there is a time for fighting, and now is the time for fighting," he told a news conference.

But asked earlier if Hamas political leaders might be targeted next, military spokeswoman Maj. Avital Leibovich said, "Any Hamas target is a target."

The Palestinian civilians were killed because Hamas intentionally placed them near military targets, knowing that they would be killed. And the MSM will be dutifully shocked and outraged because Israel killed some poor, displaced, Palestinian civilians. Where are the MSM's when Hamas kills Israeli civilians?

Why won't the American media say what any thinking observer already knows, which is that the Palestinians, like most Arab/Muslim peoples, are a dysfunctional, rag-tag, collection of unproductive nomads under the control of Jew-hating terrorists? Even other Arab states don't want to help the Palestinians. They are just a convenient excuse for Arabs, and useful-idiot tools like Jimmy Carter, to use against Israel. No matter how much land Israel trades for peace, there will be none, because the Arabs don't want peace, they want to extinguish Israel.

I don't have a problem with Israel killing 200-300 Palestinians for every two Israeli civilians Hamas kills first.


  1. "I don't have a problem with Israel killing 200-300 Palestinians for every two Israeli civilians Hamas kills first."

    The way I see it, Israel is helping Gaza to lower its carbon footprint by forcing them to go "carbon neutral."

    Then you can sell the unspent carbon in a cap and trade system.

  2. Why won't the American media say what any thinking observer already knows, which is that the Palestinians, like most Arab/Muslim peoples, are a dysfunctional, rag-tag, collection of unproductive nomads under the control of Jew-hating terrorists?

    This is pure gold!

  3. Sorry, forgot the quotes.

  4. Thanks D.

    By the way, congrats on the silver maple leaves. Dude, non-coms will start standing when you enter the room now. In fact, demand it.
