Wednesday, November 05, 2008

TRR---off today for mourning

TRR will be down today as it's administrators cannot bear to face the prospect of smug Obama supporters taking time off from collecting government checks to rub our noses in defeat.
Just kidding folks! As long as there are repugnant socialists like Obama in positions of power, TRR will be here to point out what utter, detestable disasters thier policies are for least until the return of the Fairness Doctrine shuts us down....then you'll be on your own.

If you haven't figured out how to hide your money from the government already, then it might be too late. The US is about to take a dramatic lurch to the left and begin to resemble the nanny-state of Sweden. Their tax rates are as high as 50-60%. The environment-obsessed government runs everything from a politically correct standpoint, from education and socialized healthcare to crippling eco-laws and subservience to hostile Muslim colonists. Our colonists are Hispanic and generally not hostile, but everything else is pretty much Pelosi and Reid's bedtime fantasy for a socialist utopian America....and Obama is still wet behind the ears politically, so he won't fight them on any of this.

I'm not advocating cheating on your taxes but, if you can find a way to conduct cash business and/or hide income from the imperial state, especially you small business owners, now would be a good time to start.

Stay tuned to TRR for updates on, and advice on how to insulate your family from, the coming socialist nanny-state.

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