Monday, November 24, 2008

Civics test

Alright TRR readers, when you weren't having your self-esteem stroked or giggling through sex-ed in dreadful government schools, let's see what you absorbed in Civics and Government class...if they offered one. Go on over to American Civil Literacy and take the test.

I scored 78.8%. Embarassing I know, but it was better than the overall American average - 49%. And it was way better than the average scored by elected officials. They scored a pathetic 44%.

Hint: even if the answer isn't immediately obvious, if you think about the possibilities, you can deduce the correct answer in most cases. Report your score, as always, in the comments thread.


  1. I scored in the low 70 %s. It was harder than I thought it would be. I am embarrassed by the number of things I have forgotten from my schooling. Back to history 101 for me!!

  2. 84.85. I missed 5.

  3. Nice going Pat. Were you home-schooled?

  4. 87.88%, I missed four. I guess I get to stay on the island.

  5. 63.64%, 21/33. So far am the lowest but still remain well above the average... Ed it appears people who read your blog are far more informed than the average american.

  6. Hey Michael don't pump his ego. He already thinks he's Rush with a golden keyboard!

  7. Well done Michael. At 14, I wouldn't have expected you to do any where near that well.

    Well David, I am proven to be right 98.8% of the time.
