Wednesday, October 01, 2008

What would it take for me to get on board?

As the Senate stands poised to vote on the bail-out bill, I thought of a short list of additions to the House version of the bill that would make it slightly more palatable to me.....

1-tax cuts for businesses to help make them more liquid and less needy of credit. This would relieve some pressure on the credit market.

2-a permanent suspension of the mark-to-market accounting policy of the Sorbanes-Oxley Act

3-a transparent, detailed, and immediate public accounting of where every single dollar of bail-out money goes. Who gets it and what precisely do they do with it?

4-an iron-clad method for returning this money to the taxpayers. And not in the form of government spending on earmarks and pet projects. To every taxpayer, a check should be scratched

5-severe limitations on CEO compensation in current and future companies who participate in any rescue at taxpayer expense

6-Justice Department investigations and prosecutions of CEO's who recklessly ran their companies into the ground and walked away with millions. Likewise, investigations into politicians who, in outrageous conflicts-of-interest, took money from failed companies they're supposed to regulate and then used their political positions to protect them, ie. Barney Frank, Christopher Dodd, Barack Obama

If the Senate bill include most or all of these provisions, I might get behind it, but I won't hold my breath.


  1. I'm more likely to get on board the SS Minnow, the Titanic or the Banana boat than I am to get on board with any version excreted from the Federal Government.

    It's all double-decker club sandwich of crap!

  2. Somebody had better start pointing the finger of blame for all this by naming names. We all know who the guilty are, but politicians' corruption and collusion in the wrong-doing prevent them from snitching. They're all pieces of s%@t as far as I'm concerned. The Wall Street guys, the politicians, the bankers, the loan officers, the media who ignore corruption unless it's a republican, all of them.....stinking pieces of s%@t.
