Thursday, October 30, 2008

Wetlands legislation promotes totalitarianism by eco-kooks

Dumb enviromentalist have forced through wet-lands legislation all over the country, ostensibly to protect spotted newts or snail darters or some other insignificant water creature the rest of us call bait, but at what cost to humans?

OLYMPIA — A developer says if he can't build a new grocery store in Olympia he'll build a sex emporium on the site.

The Centralia businessman, Levi Bussanich, says he's been working with city planners for more than a year, trying to build a store that would be operated by WinCo Foods. He says he's frustrated he hasn't been able to get a wetland buffer reduction.

I've never been in a sex emporium but, it sounds like something that would make granola-munching, beta-male environmentalists cringe even more than an evil grocery store. I get protecting swamps, bogs, lakes, ponds, buffer marshes and the creatures that live there, but this whole wetlands nonsense was written so that even a puddle of water in my yard can be defined as a wetland, and it's use therefor, can be controlled by mindless, sweaty bureaucrats. And that's really the whole agenda behind modern environmentalism: to limit as much as possible capitalist development and generally control everybody through their property.

Regardless of the benefit of development like a grocery store to local residents, environmentalists will always, always choose animals over humans and oppose development of any kind as an affrontery to nature.

So be careful about watering your lawn, some eco-stooge might declare your property a wetland.

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