Wednesday, October 22, 2008

There are lies, damn lies, and then there are statistics

Well, you knew this was going to happen any day now....

WASHINGTON (AP) - The presidential race tightened after the final debate, with John McCain gaining among whites and people earning less than $50,000, according to an Associated Press-GfK poll that shows McCain and Barack Obama essentially running even among likely voters in the election homestretch.

This is what the main-stream-media always do to hedge their bets against an election-day upset. They are all throwing what shreds of professional dignity and personal pride they ever had, down the toilet as fast as they can in order to prop up their Messiah going into voting day. If Obama has a 10point lead on Nov4, and McCain wins, they look real bad. If the polls show it to be a close race, and if the Bradley effect hands McCain the win, the media don't look like such utterly stupid sellouts for Obama, because "after all, the polls really tightened toward the end".

This brings us to the TRR poll question....

Do you believe election polls?
Yes, they reflect accurately voters' intentions
No, they merely reflect the bias in the pollsters asking the questions
No, they are deceptive tools of the leftist media to influence outcome
Who cares? I'm sick of the election! I'd rather comment on dirty-diaper posts
Free polls from

If you've been contacted by pollsters this election year( I haven't for some reason) share the experience with us in the comments thread.

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