Saturday, October 11, 2008

Now, this guy's a hunter

OK, dipwads, in the previous post, I mocked "hunters" for being assassins and snipers in camo, and said hand-to-hand combat is the only way to legitimately call yourself a hunter. Well, this dude in Canada proved me right. Here's his account of a bear attack....

"I turned [when] I heard a grunt. All I saw was eyes full of hatred … I had no option … So I stuck my foot up and tried to kick her in the face," he said.

The bear then attacked him, knocking him to the ground, and West soon found himself on the losing side of an ill-matched fight.

"I rolled onto my stomach and clasped my hands at the back of my neck. She tore into my skull at the back of my head, moved over and bit me on the left side of my body, on my ribs and left arm," said West.

Knowing he would likely soon be dead unless he fought back, the injured West managed to get to his feet and picked up a stick about as thick as his arm.

"I said, in effect, bring it on sweetie. I took one step forward — smash!" said West.
"I swung the stick and broke it over her head. She kind of stood there and shook it off, like she was stunned," he said.

"I realized if I didn't continue the attack she would knock me to the ground again and I would not get up.

"I swung my piece of wood like a sledgehammer driving spikes and I kept swinging till she was lying flat on the ground and there was blood coming out of her nose," said West.

Now that is a serious example of bad-assery....even if he is Canadian.

1 comment:

  1. If I didn't know he was Candian, I would have guessed Chuck Norris. Actually, if it was Chuck, that first kick would have dropped her.
