Friday, October 10, 2008

Jimmy Carter has outlived his usefullness

Jimmy Carter was perhaps the worst economic President in history next to Herbert Hoover. His policies led directly to double-digit inflation and interest rates. His presidency was so awful, they had to create a new index to describe just how horrendous and appaling it was. They called it the misery index, and you calculate it simply by adding the unemployment rate to the rate of inflation. In his administration, Carter led us to a misery index of 22%. By contrast, the misery index right now is around 8%, and that's with global financial catastrophes all around us.

Here's what he had to say about the Bush's culpability in the current crisis.."I think it's because of the atrocious economic policies of the Bush administration,"

So Carter, the worst, most dismayingly awful President in my life time and who engineered the second worst economic times in US history, has the nerve to criticize Bush for this crisis, when the democrats' fingerprints are all over it. Say what you want about Bush, but he and McCain tried to regulate Fannie and Freddie, but Senators Chris Dodd and Barney Frank blocked it in committee after both receiving hundreds of thousands in bribe money from Fannie CEO Frank Raines.

That Jimmy Carter is anything but a national embarassment and a national joke is perplexing.

"Hmmmm, what else can I do to undermine my country and further embarass myself as an ex-President...because I've pretty much run out of things?"

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