Thursday, October 23, 2008

An indictment of the MSM

This is Orson Scott Card. He is a journalist and a democrat. He is also very upset at the state of journalism in this country. This article of his has been flying around the internet all day. I've seen at least a half dozen links to it. If you recongnize the dispicable biasedness in the MSM's coverage of all things political, then you should read this article. Here's his question to his fellow journalists...

Is getting people to vote for Barack Obama so important that you will throw away everything that journalism is supposed to stand for?

Seriously, he is right on the money about most of the media being totally and utterly devoid of integrity, honor, and professionalism.

1 comment:

  1. First of all, journalism is vital way of information, but can also be a gossipy method that digs into very private issues. I don't see what Barack Obama has to do with your statement? Who has to throw away journalism just because they vote Obama? Are you bias about some Obama issue? A real journalist wouldn't even make that kind of statement. Are you drinking, or on drugs?
    Sincerely, white dude in Ontario.
