Monday, September 29, 2008

Who's to blame?

I found this video production over on Boortz. It's a fast moving but very clear indictment of who is really to blame for this whole financial mess. It turns out, the Obamessiah's finger prints are all over it. It's about 10 minutes long and you may need to use the pause button as it moves kind of fast but, watch it and then recommend it to everybody you know who votes.

If you were under any illusions as to whose side the media are on in this election, this should pretty much clear that up for you. Barack Obama is at the center of this thing, yet nobody's willing to say it. Unbelievable!


  1. This video would have been perfect if they slowed the metronome a little and omitted the McCain/Palin plug at the end. I think it would have been much more powerful if they had let the viewer reach their own conclusion. But we are dealing with a large government-schooled dumb mass. (Thanks Boortz.)

  2. Saddly, most Americans are short-attention-spanned ding-a-lings and points have to be made for them and not inferred.

  3. Video is no longer available.

  4. I watched part of it earlier today and wanted to watch the rest - wonder why it's gone.

    The contributor is probably wearing cement shoes or something.

  5. Maybe Obamessiah got it taken off?
