Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Tale of the tape

Over at Neal has an excellent comparison between McCain/Palin and Obama/Bidan when it comes to spending, taxes, earmarks, etc. Don't let the democrats frame the debate by lying to you about the respective records of McCain and Palin. Read them for yourselves and then decide whose story you believe when it comes to running the country, balancing the budget, cutting taxes, and restricting spending, etc.

Nice going, Neal.


  1. When it comes to balancing the budget I think GWB has shown the way.

    As I've said before, I actually hope it's McCain who has to deal with the republican-made mess.

  2. You'll get no argument from me on that one. GWB has been a fiscal disaster, the war notwithstanding. From a balanced budget, earmarks, and deficit standpoint, he cannot be gone soon enough. I do think McCain/Palin will be much better, based on their respective records when it comes to government spending.
