Tuesday, September 02, 2008

More thoughts on Palin

OK, one last post about the Bristol Palin pregnancy kerfuffle and then we'll move on to other things. Over at RightWingNews John Hawkins offers his 7 top reasons why Sarah Palin was a brilliant choice for VP. Here's my favorite.....

Palin has particular appeal on the Pro-life issue: Palin isn't just pro-life; she talks the talk and walks the walk. She didn't consider aborting her child with Down Syndrome and when her 17 year old daughter became pregnant with a child and decided to keep it, she supported her, which stands in stark opposition to Obama who famously said, "I've got two daughters. 9 years old and 6 years old. I am going to teach them first of all about values and morals. But if they make a mistake, I don't want them punished with a baby."

There's a hell of a moral contrast there and it's not one that looks good for Obama.

Absolutely right! There is a small sliver of Americans(radical feminist nags), who actually think babies are useless parasites foisted on women by a patriarchal society, who encourage all women to consider aborting them if they think they might be inconvenient, and who cast votes based solely on the abortion issue. The other 95% of Americans don't see it that way. Half of them, or more, may be pro-choice but they don't think any baby is a punishment. John is right, the Obama campaign should stay away from that comparison at all costs.

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