Tuesday, September 23, 2008

A little fart never hurt anybody

Despite the utter ridiculousness of global warming, some scientists continue to cling to it, regardless of how preposterous their latest warnings are and how stupid it makes them look.....

Global warming could rapidly accelerate as millions of tons of methane escape from beneath the Arctic seabed, scientists warned today.

Huge deposits of the greenhouse gas - 20 times more potent than carbon dioxide - are rising to the surface as the Arctic region heats up, according to preliminary findings.

Researchers found massive stores of sub-sea methane in several areas across thousands of square miles of the Siberian continental shelf and observed the gas bubbling up from the sea floor through 'chimneys', according to newspaper reports.

So, where did all this arctic methane gas come from? Either it's part of the natural cycle of life on Earth and therefore completely unalterable by man, or there were millions of arctic cows farting themselves into extinction during the Precambrian Age or something, and this is the only evidence of their existence. I sort of think it's naturally occurring.

It is amazing to me that wild-eyed, environmental zealots who call themselves scientists continue to hammer home the global warming meme, despite a decade of global cooling, record low temperatures around the globe, and the complete lack of any, any evidence to support their argument.

See, even the cows know they can't be blamed for something that doesn't exist.

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