Saturday, September 06, 2008

"Disturbing", would be an understatement

I found this video clip over at Van Helsing's site, Moonbattery. It is the funniest clip illutstrating the sheer stupidity of modern environmentalist kooks you'll see all weekend. - Watch more free videos

Since these morons have so much free time that they can wail and moan in the woods, I'd consider hiring them to cut down some of those old-growth trees and rebuild my deck, but then they probably don't believe in hammers and nails because they represent advanced civilization, industrialization, and comfortable life in the modern do deoderant, soap, and jobs, three other things from which stupid, smelly hippies recoil.

IDIOTS!!!!! I swear!


  1. The best part is that these kooks all have on clothes and jewelry. How do they think those things were made? Magic? If you want to be an environmentalist, you have to pretty much run around naked, or you are a hypocrite.

  2. These same moonbats that think rocks are alive, would abort a baby in an instant.

  3. And I always had you pegged as a plussed kind of guy.....who knew?

  4. too strange

    anon - good point!
