Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Dear Leader......pushing up daisies soon?

North Korea's kooky, comically bizarre, but brutal dictator Kim Jong Il may have one foot in the grave and the other on a banana peel......

SEOUL, South Korea - There was no sign of Kim Jong Il at a closely watched parade Tuesday marking the 60th anniversary of North Korea's founding, as a U.S. intelligence report said he may have suffered a stroke.

A U.S. intelligence official said there is reason to believe Kim Jong Il, 66, is sick after he failed to show up at the national celebration. That official and another U.S. source spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity.

"It does appear that Kim Jong-Il has suffered a health setback, potentially a stroke," an official told Reuters, speaking on condition of anonymity.

We can only hope.

This is the Nork's Dear Leader, waiting patiently for the Devil to finally come take him to hell. I'm sure his dressing for the occasion will be appreciated by the hosts of darkness.


  1. I thought nudity was banned at TRR!!!! This is gross!!!

  2. Notice the 2 beer cans and the old fat guy sitting around in his undies. Probably on welfare, if I had to guess!!

  3. Yeah these are pretty sparce accomodations for the Leader of an entire country, even if it is North Korea.
