Friday, August 01, 2008

When the punishment IS the crime

This week's funny example of Sometimes-Crime-Doesn't-Pay is brought to you by Greater Dallas Gas and Electric....

DALLAS — Emergency personnel today used a firetruck's ladder to reach a severely burned man near the top of a pole connected to high-voltage power lines.
Oncor Electric Delivery spokeswoman Carol Peters told The Associated Press that the man does not work for the electric utility.
"The voltage at the pole was 7,000 volts," Peters said. "Whatever he was doing on top of the pole caused a power outage for a few minutes."
Dallas police were investigating whether the man was trying to steal copper.

If stealing copper wires from high voltage power lines, 40 feet in the air, is your chosen profession, perhaps you should reconsider your decision to drop out of the 6th grade to become a petty thief.

1 comment:

  1. I mean if you want some copper that badly, you should just go to your local junk yard. Im sure you can find some there... Oh wait.
