Sunday, August 24, 2008

This is the best story about a headless chicken you'll read all weekend...

Strange but true. A farmer from Fruita, Colo., thought he was just putting dinner on the table when he picked up an axe and beheaded one of his chickens. What happened next became the stuff of legend: The headless rooster bobbed and weaved back to the henhouse and lived for 18 more months.

The animal, later dubbed Mike and celebrated with a festival, Web sites and various magazine articles, survived because the blade missed his jugular vein and a clot prevented him from bleeding to death. The axe blow landed high enough that most of the chicken's brain stem and one ear remained intact. Mike was fed and watered by inserting an eyedropper directly into his gullet. Sadly, he later choked to death in a motel room.

Look, if you've read one headless-chicken story, you've pretty much read them all. What makes this one unique and hilarious, is that Mike survived for 18 months, only to choke to death in a motel if he was an aging, drug-addled rock star. Which begs the question, what was a headless chicken doing in a motel room? Perhaps renting the "fitness" video that reader Dave admitted in the comments thread of the Biden post, that he enjoys. 


  1. No video, just a virtual partner generated by the Wii. Although she looks a little pixie-ish, the male fitness trainer appeared to be staring at my leg warmers and my modesty just wouldn't allow me to perform the Yoga "dog" poses not to mention the "sunchaser" with him leering at me.

  2. Wise decision my friend, to go with the chick.
    Did you say leg warmers?

  3. Haha interestingly enough I heard this story at school a few days ago and thought the kid was full crap. Now I know the kid was telling the truth and I am never happier to be proven wrong.
