Wednesday, August 20, 2008

They're Grrrrreat!

Busy-body liberals just can't keep their intrusive tentacles out of other peoples' business.....

Olympic legend Michael Phelps will appear on boxes of the Kellogg's brand sugar cereal, drawing sharp criticism from health experts worried about the message he'll be sending to children across America.

The childhood obesity epidemic everybody's so upset about isn't because of the food that's available, it's because of the food choices PARENTS make for their kids. Show me a child who ever, ever bought a box of Frosted Flakes with his own money. If you've got a fat, unhealthy kid, it's your own fault, and your fault alone. Michael Phelps earned the right to sponsor any legal product he chooses without meddling do-gooders lecturing him about it. Instead of worrying that your blubbery, lazy child will suddenly want to eat Frosted Flakes because of Phelps's influence, why not kick him off the couch and into the pool instead? Maybe he'll be inspired to swim rather than be inspired to eat Frosted Flakes, and you won't have to worry about what he eats.


  1. What Phelps needs to do is spend some money on dental surgery.

  2. What Phelps should do is be on a box of gold fish instead of stealing Tony's thunder. Actually I just think it would be really fitting to have him on a box of gold fish, because who's more gold and fishy than Michael Phelps right?

  3. "gold" and "fish"....I get it. Nice Carlos.

  4. I can see why liberals would get mad. Michael Phelps is in terrible shape. Thunder thighs, dinner rolls, everything. He is way overweight. Did I say Michael Phelps? I meant Michael Moore.

  5. Do these people object to places like McDonald's sponsoring the olympics?

  6. Excellent point Tracie. These do-gooders think that they have exclusive rights to approve or disapprove professional affiliations. You'd think they would have objected to McD's by now.

  7. Let Americans make their own choices. That is the whole premise of America. Freedom to choose how you live your life. Controlling that in any sort of way takes away everything the founding fathers fought so hard to give us.
