Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Questions Arise

I just don't understand. I saw the Dark Knight. It was a really good movie. I thought that Christian Bale and Heath Ledger both did great jobs. I thought that Ledger's portrayal of The Joker was excellent. Does it deserve the Oscar, well, in my humble opinion that remains to be seen. Will he win, absolutely, but only because of his mysterious and tragic death. I have no way to know who else will be nominated, so it is difficult to throw an observation out there, but I feel it doesn't really matter at this point, anyway.
Now that brings me to one of the twins. MKO and her behavior towards the investigation are far more baffling and sinister than anything shown to us by Mr. Ledger is his breakout role. His death has been ruled an accidental drug overdose, by the New York Police. Investigation over. Funeral. Move on. Now we sit and watch MK posturing and demanding immunity from federal prosecutors before she will talk. Talk about what? Unless she is trafficking illegal drugs, which I would doubt, she should have nothing to worry about. Tell your tale and move on. If you have something to add add, if not, get back to your rehab cell and go away. I find this pathetic, and it appears to me that MK is exploiting the death of her friend for personal gain. Her behavior appears tragic and desperate.
I postulate about her whereabouts during his final hours. was she there with him doing the same drugs? Did she stand by and watch him struggle and die. Did she allow it to happen without calling 911 to help her ill friend. Why call for bodyguards upon finding out that your friend has died, unless you fear something or worse yet, did something. I surely don't know, but I have an inkling that MK isn't nearly as innocent as she appeared as a child star. I hope we don't learn about a truly sick person with a twisted and tortured life and lifestyle. More to come.

1 comment:

  1. Apparently shortly after this posting, Mary Kate came forth and started talking with authorities claiming she had nothing to do with the death and has nothing to hide. I want to believe her, but the rehab queen does not deliver a very trustworthy performance. You called her out!
