Friday, August 01, 2008

"The One"

If you haven't seen it yet, this is the newest McCain ad. It's a plain and simple smack-down of the Obamessiah and his zombie-like cult of sycophantic followers....

I think it's great. It hammers home the point that the MSM, being devout Obama followers themselves, seems unwilling to touch with a ten foot pole. That is that Obama is a shallow, arrogant, nanny-State socialist/Marxist in an empty suit masquerading as a legitimate candidate for President and his worshippers/supporters are to him like rats to the Pied Piper. Mocking him as a self-described "Jesus/Savior" figure is spot on. I only hope that Americans wake up from their Obama-pixie-dust slumber in time to kick him to the curb before any real damage is done.


  1. Revelations actually predicted this. Only in Revelations they described him as the anti-Christ.

  2. I am so sick of reading comments in our newspaper saying people shouldnt vote if they're not voting for BO - or that conservatism has ruined our country - it's time to end conservatism, etc.
    Liberals go around preaching tolerance and acceptance, but they sure don't tolerate anyone who doesn't think like them politically.
    Don't they know this is America and the freedom to think/vote independently is what is so beautiful about it?
