Thursday, August 14, 2008

Now Click your heels Together Three Times...

Elizabeth Edwards is living in OZ, or some other dream state. I want to sympathise with her, but she continues to not let me. Here goes:
John reveals affair to her. She discovers that he cancer has spread into her bones and is incurable. Her decision, by her own admission, is to throw him out or to work to repair a 30 year marriage. Sounds like a simple choice to me. She should want her kids to learn that when you make a promise (a vow) you keep it. Chunk the cheating scum and send him packing. She decides to keep quite about it, thereby acknowledging her condoning of his philandering behavior, and then she is seen publicly campaigning for him in his failed presidential bid. Grotesque is all I can say.
Now she is revealing through her brother that she is focusing on the kids. Why wasn't she doing that before now. She gives a glimpse of her life when she stated to her brother that she can't talk to him on the phone, "Jack is reading now". He states for her, that Jack (who is home schooled) reads to her for 1 hour daily. Again, seemingly noble, but it could be just a ruse to keep this affair under wraps and out of public scrutiny. Again grotesque.
It is apparent that neither of Mr. Breck's women like the other. (Boy thats an understatement). Lizzie had Riell dismissed and reportedly is now trying to stop the $10-15K paycheck that Edwards attorney sends to the aforementioned Ms. Hunter monthly. That ought to start some fireworks. Can you spell paternity Mr. Edwards. As for her part, Hunter agonizes that Liz is a pure torture to Lil John, and that they would be together if it were not for the cancer returning.
What a pathetic relationship triangle. Can't make up stuff this good. By the way, regardless of his wifes impending demise and his ex-girlfriends loathing of him, he's still available for the VP job!


  1. Reid, scorned women stay with their men for an untold number of reasons. Security, love, family, etc. You cannot judge Elizabeth Edwards until you have been in her position. Marital infidelity doesn't mean an automaic and immediate divorce. Maybe it does to you but many couples try to work things out. Take a step back and try to see her position, dying with cancer and desperately trying to keep her family support group together.

    As for John, he's a rotten, piece of human detritus and deserves whatever retribution and punishment he gets from his wife but again, it's up to her.

  2. No wife that has been cheated on should take their husband, and same the other way around, no man who has been cheated on should take back his wife. Under no circumstances is it every okay to cheat. Give me one good case where cheating was the right thing to do, or even justifiable for that reason? You give me a reason or situation and I will show you a broken marriage.

  3. Kevin, I'll say to you like I said to Reid, there have been plenty of marriages that have recovered from infidelity on the part of one or the other spouses. Marriage may be a holy union, but it's still between two individuals who aren't perfect or infallible. You can't say Elizabeth Edwards made the wrong decision until you've been cheated on in the same circumstances. John is a creep and a pig but that doesn't mean the marriage is unrecoverable. Infidelity might mean automatic divorce for some couples, that's fine but it doesn't have to apply to all couples. You sound like you don't have a wife. Few married people take such definitive, inflexible positions.

  4. Well anon, I completely disagree with you. Marriage today is not what it is supposed to be. The majority of people today get married with the mindset that if it doesn't work out, they can get divorced. Marriage is a holy union, i.e. no cheating. Period. I think people who commit adultery, one of the commandments I might add (again, holy union, that rule applies here), don't deserve to keep marriages. They broke everything they stood on the alter for when they committed adultery.

  5. Let me add one more thing,

    "Through sickness and in health." These are the exact words said on the alter.

  6. Kevin, make up your mind. Are you in favor of sticking with a bad marriage, or in favor of abandoning it when times get tough. You just argued for both. Obviously, you're not married.

  7. I agree with Anon here. You never know how you will react until you are faced with it. Circumstances are a big part for most people - kids are a huge factor - or at least they should be.
    Even so, to go out and campaign for him after that is a bit much.

  8. No, when you take your vows on the alter you say you will be by your spouses side through sickness and in health, a vow which John Edwards broke when he slept around while he was sick. It is inexcusable. There are no circumstances in which cheating is okay. I dont see how cheating could ever be okay enough to be justifiable.

  9. correction, " vow which John Edwards broke when he slept around while his wife was sick."

  10. Kevin - You're right. It isn't okay - ever. It isn't justifiable.
    I think it's common for men to have a self pity party/cheat when a spouse is ill.
    But if you were dying of cancer would you want to subject your children to a divorce and all of the trauma that comes with it knowing they could have the loss of their mother to deal with soon?

  11. We're not judging Edwards here. Everybody agrees he's a douchebag of the highest order. But it's wrong to judge Elizabeth for not kicking him to the curb immediately. Everybody handles this sort of thing differently and the right way for one might not be the right way for another. It is, however, ok to judge her, as Reid did, for continuing to campaign with him.

  12. I dont know how i could forgive a person for cheating on me if i was terminal. I mean, if she wants to do something for her children she should divorce Edwards. What kind of a message is she sending by putting up with him? Her kids are going to think its okay to cheat when your spouse is sick.
