Tuesday, August 19, 2008

I'm shocked, shocked to find that gambling is going on in here!

I'm shocked, shocked to find that the Bigfoot cadaver is a hoax![sarcasm mine]

Are you kidding me? That's like exclaiming that you're shocked, shocked to find socialists at the democrat convention....that you're shocked, shocked to find bongs in a head shop, or that you're shocked, shocked to find men in Hollywood who have slept with Paris.

Is there anybody willing to admit that they ever, ever believed in Bigfoot? Who believed these two idiots in the first place? How can they be charged with a hoax when whatever media showed up for their press conference proved they're too stupid too be let outdoors unmedicated, much less reporters....but then again, nobody is too stupid to be a member of the MSM. If Barack Obama can bamboozle half of America into buying his schtick, then I guess the stupidity isn't limited to the press.

Bigfoot! I swear!

Virtual cookie to the first person to name(without Googling it) the reference in the title of this post.