Friday, August 01, 2008

The glamorous side of petty larceny

Over at ConservativeGrapevine John linked to this story this morning. I guess this makes it Crime Day at TRR as I'm starting to detect a theme......

DILLON, South Carolina - A suspected thief trying to steal $10 worth of copper got himself into a stinky situation when he was trapped under a trash bin at a county landfill for 12 hours, sheriff's deputies said.

Deputies said Gibson Cook, 56, broke into the landfill, then got stuck as he tried to crawl under the large container. Landfill workers found him about 12 hours later with his legs sticking out from under the bin. Emergency workers had to inflate air bags so they could lift the bin to free him.

12 hours under that disgusting, stinky garbage bin with rats, roaches, spiders, and I can't even imagine what else. Seriously, is it that much trouble to grab a shave, a shower, and a clean shirt and get a job at the landfill instead of trying to rob it?


  1. You have no power here! Now begone, before somebody drops a house on you!

  2. Hat tip to whoever can figure out where this quote came from.

  3. The quote itself is a reference to the Wizard of Oz but, it is from a different movie, though I can't place it.
