Saturday, August 23, 2008

Biden it is!

This morning at around 3AM, the Obamessiah campaign sent out the long awaited text message(I'm still waiting for mine) announcing six-term Delaware senator Joe Biden as his running-mate for change. If, as Obama likes to say, Washington is broken, then it's guys like Joe Biden who broke it. It'll have to be explained at some point how Biden represents change. His real reason for picking Biden is his foreign policy experience chairing the Senate foreign relations committee. Obama's foreign policy experience is no deeper than Joe Biden's hair plugs. Remember that it was Biden who proposed the stupid, yet wildly popular with Senate democrats, Balkanization of Iraq. Balkanization is the fracturing of a country based on religious or ethnic divisions as in Yugoslavia. Our troops are still there today keeping the peace and are likely to remain indefinitely. Is that what Biden had in mind when he proposed Balkanizing Iraq into Sunni, Shiite, and Kurd fractions?

Biden is also one of McCain's best friends and remarked on a news show a few months back that he'd be honored to run WITH McCain. My wife wondered if, since Obama has such thin skin, maybe he picked Biden partially because he thinks McCain will respect that friendship, and might pull some punches leading up to November. Whatever the reasons for picking him, the mantra of the Obamessiah has been "change". How exactly a senator who cast his 10,000th vote in '99 fit into the whole "change" thing is a mystery to me but, I'm sure The Messiah has a smug, nuanced explanation he can read off the teleprompter.


  1. Change? Biden is a virtual marble monument in D.C. He is about as changing as the Sphinx and as untrustworthy as the rest of his peers. Maybe MCcain will pick Hillary!

  2. I was hoping for a surprise like Michael Steele to be McCain's second. But I'm guessing Romney.
