Monday, August 25, 2008

..and then you squeeze... like this

Senator Barak Obama went way out on the limb in picking his running mate this past weekend. He is so far out in fact, that he can still read the braille instructions in the bark of the tree trunk. Joe Biden, what a choice. (GAG). Now we all know that Obama has a foreign policy issue, so he picks a guy that also has virtually zero experience. Yes, Sen. Biden did and does chair the Foreign Relations Committee, but the closest he has come to truly dealing with foreign issues is when he orders Mexican or Chinese for lunch.
This man ran unsuccessfully for the Democratic nomination himself in 1988. He also started out this campaign season with a veiled attempt for the top spot, but pulled out after the Iowa caucus. I believe that was the one of the first primaries.Do you wonder how much money he put in his pocket for that exhausting and grueling campaign?
Maybe I am missing the boat, but the man craving for a new direction and change, reeled in an "insider" of many years. Biden is in his 6th term as Senator from Delaware, that is going on 30 years in Washington, or there abouts, boy that just cries out for change doesn't it. Biden knows so little about change that he probably will need to send an aide to read the dictionary and give him a recap.
Go back and watch the famed senator as he chaired the senate hearings during the Supreme Court nominations of Robert Bork and Clarence Thomas. We all remember how well Judge Thomas was treated by the Democrats. Imagine how even handed Mr. Biden will be with the Iraqis, etc. History tells us how badly the government treated the American Indians during land expansion, do we need a repeat of that? Biden, the sponsor of dividing Iran into 3rds by religion idea, what a great politician. It doesn't matter where you live, you will move into a new area because of heritage and religious choice. How can we not assume that all Mormons will then be forced to move to Utah, Southern Baptists to the south and those intellectually superior folks and same sex mariagers can have the rest of the country. No more worries but guess what folks...... Change it is a Comin!!


  1. I don't know if I'll be able to stomach the convention in Denver this week. If you(Reid) would like to cover it for TRR, feel free but, I don't think I can take a week of democrats' vacuous platitudes and Obama-worship masquerading as "policies of change". I don't want to damage my few remaining neurons by exposing them to the vapid stupidity of speeches by Michelle Obama, Jimmy Carter, and HIllary Clinton, not to mention the bootlicking stooges in the MSM who'll be kissing Barack's ass all week. I just can't take it.

  2. I will stay vigilant and maintain my normal modicum of decoram and fair objectivity as I sit and laugh at the farsicle dribble produced this week.
