Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The ad the Messiah doesn't want you to see

Over on Moonbattery Van Helsing has a link to this ad produced by AmericanIssuesProject that links with convincing finality the ascendancy of Barack Obama to American terrorist and FOB(friend of Barack) William Ayers...

You may remember Bill Ayers as one of the leaders of the Weathermen, a.k.a. Weather Underground, a socialist, domestic terrorist group who in the early 70's declared war on the US and instigated riots in Chicago, bombed federal buildings and police precincts, and killed policemen. Ever since, Bill Ayers has bragged about his crimes, exclaiming that he didn't do enough bombing. It was in Bill Ayers suburban Chicago home that BHO made the transition from harmless community organizer to radical liberal politician. Predictably, the Obama campaign goons are trying mightily to suppress this ad, as it sort of makes Obama look pretty bad. They are threatening successfully, any TV network that airs it and trying to use the courts to stop it's dissemination. Even FoxNews has bowed to the will of the Messiah and won't run it. Well, that ban would last about as long at TRR, as a Hostess Twinkie at Rosie O'Donnel's house. We'll keep it up as long as the link remains active.

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