Monday, July 07, 2008

What are the "cables"?

Want to know why bloggers are good for American politics? Because politicians hate us.....

Next, McCain will be grumbling about those damn kids on his lawn and how the internets have ruined the world. I guess in McCain's world of horseless carriages and milk-men, citizen journalists who don't toe the party line are pretty much a thorn in his side...

Let me tell you, the bloggers and their readers are the few voters who reflect the concerns and ideas of actual Americans. People much smarter than me with computers are the ones who hold smarmy politicians like McCain immediately accountable to some standard of honesty whenever they open their big mouths. Bloggers can sniff out BS from a politician faster than Amy Winehouse can sniff out crack at Whitney Houston's house. But for bloggers' almost instant vetting of candidates' statements, politicians like McCain and Obama could continue to pull the wool over the eyes of voters nine different ways from Sunday. That's why they don't like bloggers. Show me a block of voting Americans, not members of the political class, who are more knowledgeable, informed, and sure of their political views than bloggers and their readership...there's not one. Politicians rely on a critical mass of voters to be basically stupid and uninformed. Bloggers tend to reduce that number.

I can't tell you how tickled I am that McCain hates me. Be proud TRR readers, for J.Mac hates you too.

The "cables", I swear!


  1. Maybe McCain meant to say "cabies"?

  2. Well, that makes all the difference in the world if he said "cabies". I mean who doesn't hate rude, smelly, foreigners charging you outrageous amounts to drive you the longest routes they can find to the airport?

  3. No he meant cables. Its politician speak. Us weakminded fools, we no little or nothing of it. That is why we elect these "officials" because we are too stupid to be able to run our own lives.

  4. Or he could have meant cabal. For example, "The bloggers have now congealed into a cabal seeking truth and therefore posing the largest threat to politics as usual. We must find a way to squelch them."

  5. I don't think any belt-way politician likes bloggers. We cannot be controlled, nor can we be influenced by commercial or political forces to take one position or another. Politicians loathe voters who think for themselves.
