Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Race politics

This is the stupidest, most craven form of race politics I can think of.....

US lawmakers Tuesday offered the federal government's first formal apology for the "fundamental injustice, cruelty, brutality, and inhumanity" of slavery and the legal segregation of African-Americans.

The resolution, passed in the House of Representatives by voice vote, "apologizes to African-Americans on behalf of the people of the United States, for the wrongs committed against them and their ancestors who suffered under slavery" formal segregation laws known as "Jim Crow."

Lawmakers also said they were committed to rectifying "the lingering consequences" of slavery and segregation.

Congressman Steve Cohen, who introduced the resolution in early 2007, praised the move.

"This is a historic moment in the ongoing struggle for civil rights in this country, and I hope that this legislation can serve to open the dialogue on race and equality for all," he said in a statement.

"Apologies are not empty gestures, but are a necessary first step towards any sort of reconciliation between people," said Cohen, who represents the area of Memphis, Tennessee.

First, not a single person in Congress owned slaves(except maybe for klan member and democrat, Robert Byrd). They cannot apologize for slavery. If I hit you upside the head with a ball bat, would you feel better toward me if your neighbor apologized for it?

Second, not a single black person alive today remembers anything about slavery, or even knows anybody who knew a slave. Being that far removed, they cannot accept any apologies for slavery. Only slave owners can offer an apology for slavery, and only actual slaves can accept it.

Third, this Cohen character is the only white delegate representing a majority black district in the country. And he's facing a tough challenge from a black guy. This is as blatant a race pander as I've ever seen by a member of Congress trying to win re-election.

Fourth, if the treacherous democrats follow their usual M.O., they'll follow up this empty, meaningless apology with a renewed call for reparations. And with the Obamessiah in White House, and a dem majority, it'll likely get signed into law. Then run for the hills folks, because that'll be one of the greatest transfers of wealth from those who earned it to those who didn't in American history.

Fifth, have the democrats solved all the problems in the country such that they have time to waste on meaningless crap like this? I'd like to hear from just one black person who actually feels better about his/her life and future as a result of this ridiculous apology. (I mean feeling great about the future for reasons other than they'll be getting a bunch of money they didn't earn)


  1. This is ridiculous. No doubt slavery was a dark and sinister part of American history, but it is just that, history. Why would you resurface the bad blood. Pretty soon, there will be a holiday commemorating the apology of the whites to the blacks. If you want a colorless society, the easiest way is to stop bringing stuff like this up.

  2. Keep picking at the scab so it never heals.

    I'm white and I have family that died in the civil war to free the slaves. I think its about time I received a thank you from at least one black person.

  3. Excellent point Pat.

  4. Very excellent point. That is one point I have not even thought about actually. Of course the people on capital hill will say that it should have never gotten to the point of war to solve the issue so good luck getting any help from them.
