Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Please don't feed the bears

As much as this sort of thing happens, you'd think I would tire of mocking people about it.....but then you'd be wrong.....

Three bears at a Ukrainian zoo tore a man "limb from limb" after he fell into their enclosure, local media reports.

The 22-year-old man was drunk and trying to take close-up shots of the Siberian Brown bears at Mykolaev city zoo when he lost his footing, witnesses said, acording to Channel 5 television.

The three bears charged the man immediately, tearing him "limb from limb" as he tried to escape, according to the station, quoted by the Deutsche Presse-Agentur news agency.

The man was dead before keepers could separate the animals from their victim.

You can't make stuff like this up, folks. You take a dumb kid, give him some booze, a camera, and three of the world's most aggressive bears hungrily pacing in their enclosure, meters below, and even the comically phony palm reader Lady Sonja from my hometown could have forseen what would happen next.

I know you think I'm a cold, cynical jerk for getting cheap laughs off the misery and death of others but, what you don't understand is, I don't care.

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