Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Only your money can prevent climate change

Politicians will use literally any excuse to seize ever increasing amounts of your hard-earned money in the name of the completely naturally process of climate change. This time they're cleverly combining global warming and race for the tax-increase bifecta....

Climate change is no longer just an environmental issue. It’s now an issue of race, according to global warming activists and policy makers.

“It is critical our community be an integral and active part of the debate because African-Americans are disproportionately impacted by the effects of climate change economically, socially and through our health and well-being,” House Majority Whip James Clyburn, D-S.C., said July 29.

The report suggested implementing a “fee, tax or allowance auction on polluters,” which was meant to “eliminate the financial burden on low-income and moderate-income households.” This would pay for efforts to reduce global warming. Hoerner said that although it would cause product costs to increase, under his policy, the revenue from the “fee, tax, or allowance auction payment” would be redistributed to consumers to offset the higher costs.

There it is, the hallmark of any hideous liberal government policy....."redistribution". Race hustlers like Clyburn stay up nights thinking of new, innovative excuses to take money from the successful, productive earners in society so he can hand it over to the least productive class.....core democrat voters.

It'll be a difficult political choice for demented representatives to make between using our money to save black people or polar bears from fictitious climate change. But given that polar bears don't yet have voting rights, I imagine the poor blacks he's talking about will be the recipient of fabulous cash and prizes the rest of us pay for.


  1. Here is a novel concept: If you can earn the money to pay for it, you can buy it. If you can't, tough luck, work harder next time, actually try, et al., et cetera.

  2. Hey isn't that your cousin over there eating that seal. You think he could send some our way. Oh I forgot Marge it was your stupid idea to look for a place to live farther away from society...
