Monday, July 28, 2008

One step forward, two steps back

A disgruntled, unemployed, gun-toting, right-winger shoots up a church full of liberals.....just what we needed....

I'm sure you all saw this story over the weekend....

KNOXVILLE, Tenn. - Knoxville's police chief says the man accused of a shooting that killed two people at a Tennessee church targeted the congregation because of its liberal social stance.

Chief Sterling Owen IV said Monday that police found a letter in Jim D. Adkisson's car. Owen said Adkisson was apparently frustrated over being out of work and had a "stated hatred of the liberal movement."

The church is known for advocating women's and gay rights and founding an American Civil Liberties Union chapter.

Great! That's just perfect! Just when we've gotten past Obama's remark about unemployed, blue-collar people clinging to guns and religion, an unemployed blue-collar guy proves the media's meme about gun violence, conservatism, and religion going hand in hand. The MSM will be all over this one.

UPDATE: I just heard a report that the authorities might now investigate this as a "hate crime". As absurd as the concept of "hate crimes" is, it's even scarier when liberals criminalize objections to their awful agenda.

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