Thursday, July 03, 2008

Great Britain's idiotic hate-crime laws are nothing but self-parody at this point...

Jonathan Wicks, a white guy, was taken to court for calling some other white men ‘honky wannabe cops.

Questions and observations: Black leaders would have us believe that only minorities can be victims of race-based hate crimes. How can one white guy victimize another white guy by calling him a honkey?

Blacks routinely use the "It's-OK-when-we-use-the-N-word-on-each-other" defense, why can't Mr. Wicks use the same defense? In other words, why is it not a hate crime when blacks call each other the N-word?

The existence of hate crimes criminalizes thought. Read 1984 if you don't shudder when you hear that. Where in the Constitution is it written that the government can criminalize the thoughts of otherwise law-abiding citizens?

1 comment:

  1. Oh yeah, the double standard. I teach my kids that it is wrong to use the N word. Then I have to tolerate music inundated with it being marketed to kids my son's age.

    Luckily, he doesn't care much for that music or the portrayed lifestyle.
