Saturday, July 26, 2008

Another guilt calculator for your weekend enjoyment

I know I post these stupid carbon-footprint calculators regularly but, it's so much fun getting confirmation that I am a nuisance to dumb eco-libs who think we humans are ruining the Earth simply by existing. I love knowing they want us to return to the good old days of Iron Curtain communism....i.e. shivering and hungry in the darkness of our drafty, Soviet-style high-rises, reading the Daily Worker by candle-light, and standing in line to get our ration of black bread and cabbage.

This one is a global footprint calculator. Basically, it tells you that if everybody on Earth enjoyed the extravagant, wasteful lifestyle that you enjoy, how many Earths it would take to provide all those resources. So it's more or less like all the other ones that tell you what a complete and utter waste of clean air you are.

I am proud to say that if everybody lived the wild and crazy life that I live, we would need 5.4 Earths to provide all the resources we would demand. I say to you now, our little yellow friends in Asia had better pick up the pace of production because this big-spending American is in the market for not one but two wide-screen, HD TV's....yeah, and maybe some more rubber dog poo.(The rubber dog poo gag never fails to crack me up)

It's really too bad that the Earth has been cooling since 2001. With global warming now known to be the insidious hoax that it was, it's not that much fun being wasteful any more. I guess now I'll have to go back to recycling and find some other way to irritate dumb liberals. Oh well, they'll always hate my SUV, so I can take some pleasure from that.

Calculate how harmful you are to Mother Gaia and let us know in the comments thread as always.


  1. hahahaha! It asks you if you have electricity in your home! how else would i even be taking this quiz if i didn't have electricity!? This simply proves that this quiz is out to make anyone and everyone feel guilty about their lifestyle. Its not like the hypocrits that made the quiz don't have electricity!

  2. ok just proving that the quiz is complete crap, I put in the perfect answers for everything and it says if everyone lived like me we would need 2.4 earths to provide enough resources... Now as far as I know we only have one earth and we're doing just fine. By the way my answers included never eating, no electricity no running water. It says to support a world of me's we would need tons of land for cattle. ??????? I dont eat why would i need that? after the pledges at the end I could still only get it down to 2.1 earths required for all me's to live on. Garbage people! Garbage!

  3. Ed, they didn't give a shit about the enviroment (either) behind the Iron Curtain. Nobody has ruined and polluted nature more than them.

  4. True, but to the militant environmentalists, if they can destroy capitalism, restrict freedoms, and institute radical social limitations on lifestyles, similar to the old Soviet Union, all in the name of saving the planet, then they'll realize their utopian dream of a communal world where everybody is equal in harmonic misery.

    The founder of Greenpeace quit his job because he said that the modern environmentalists who are in his organization now are communist-sympathizer retreads from the 70's. When the Berlin Wall and the USSR fell, there was no more communist state to be in love with, so the pro-commies found a home in the environmental movement. If you look at their ideas, they aren't so much about the environment as they are about restricting capitalism, the free market, industrialization, individuality, and so forth....just like communism.
