Wednesday, July 02, 2008

The afro-centric cult of Obama worship

Black seperatists keep coming out of the woodwork to show support for the "black candidate" Barack Obama, even as he tries to distance himself from racial themes....

A jazz singer shocked some Denver residents after replacing the words to the national anthem with those of the "Black National Anthem" during the annual State of the City address this week.

Rene Marie was asked to sing "The Star-Spangled Banner" before Denver Mayor John Hickenlooper delivered the annual address on Tuesday. Instead, she sang the lyrics of "Lift Every Voice and Sing" — a hymn commonly referred to as the "Black National Anthem" — to the tune of the national anthem.

Folks, this is the tip of the ice-berg in terms of what kind of administration we'll see with an Obama presidency. Here are the last three lines of the Black National Anthem....

May we forever stand,
True to our God,
True to our native land”

I wonder to which native land the song refers. I'll bet dollars to doughnuts it's not America. Consistent with the common seperatist themes of Black Liberation Theology to which Obama and his family have been steeping themselves for 20 years, singers of this version pledge allegiance to Africa, not America.

No matter how Obama tries to run from being the "black candidate", these radical seperatists will keep coming out publically in favor of him because they can't help themselves. Their slavish worship of him compels them to announce their anti-white, anti-American positions. We saw it at Trinity UM with Rev's Wright and Pfleger and that is only the beginning. Hopefully dumb democrats who're cultishly following this piper over the cliff will wake up at some point and realize that John McCain is plenty liberal for them and the Obamessiah is way over the top.....but I won't hold my breath....we are talking about dumb democrats afterall.

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