Monday, June 23, 2008

Hey baby, are your pants made of mirrors...

Here's a new twist on an old cliche'....

A further education college is having to protect builders from wolf-whistling girls, in a reversal of traditional gender stereotypes.

Officials at West Kent College in Tonbridge, Kent, sent an email to all pupils warning that the behaviour was "totally unacceptable", and saying any students caught harassing contractors would face disciplinary action.

The email read: "It has come to the attention of the college that some female students have been making comments to, or whistling at, the builders both whilst on site and as they walk around the campus.

"Although we are sure no offence is meant, this constitutes harassment and is wholly unacceptable.

"We have asked the contractors' representative to pass on all instances of harassment to the college and we will take appropriate action which may include disciplinary action."

Meanwhile new laws could see wolf-whistling builders placed on the sex offenders register. The Sexual Offences (Scotland) Bill will create a new offence of "communicating indecently", punishable by up to 10 years in jail.

The news isn't that girls can be accused of sexual harassment, though no self-respecting construction worker would mind being leered and whistled at by hottie coeds, it's that even something as time-tested and non-threatening as wolf-whistling can get you on the "sexual offender" list. Seriously people, we're seeing an assault on free speech like never before.

So all you gals out there, when you're out at lunch today, go ahead and whistle at that burly jackhammer operator you've had your eye on. Then let us know how it went over.

*A virtual cookie to the first person to finish the pick-up line in the title of this post.


  1. ....because i can see myself in them.....

  2. Very quick on the draw there alec. You get a virtual cookie...chocolate chip if you like, or oatmeal and raisin.

  3. This is getting pretty ridiculous. 10 years?! Seriously? For whistling? How stoopid.

  4. Don't be whistling at any hotties at college Kevin. You could end up on the sexual predator list that the authorities maintain.
