Thursday, June 19, 2008

Guest essayist

Long time readers of TRR will recognize the handle "David" from the comments threads. He's a talented writer, a reasoned opinion former, and a good friend. His personal saddle-burr is illegal immigration and the disastrous conseqences it'll have on the long-term cultural and economic health of our country. Here's a short essay he wrote recently regarding illegal immigration. Take a minute to read through it and let him know what you think. (This is actually a silhouette picture of David at his desk working.)

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Lex Parsimoniae1

I've spent a fair amount of time the past two years thinking about our national indifference to the illegal alien invasion. Up until now I have been bitterly disgusted about our unwillingness to even attempt to retain our national sovereignty and culture by requiring those wishing to enter our country, ostensibly seeking a better life, to follow the cumbersome immigration process and assimilate into our culture to become Americans. It all seems so easy to me; secure the borders,
set (or revise) immigration standards: Who do we want as potential citizens? What skills? And for how long? Really, can't we just set the terms and enforce the existing laws?

But with all the debate and turmoil over this issue no one seemed willing to just do this. Instead there is endless debate about a border fence, temporary National Guard augmentation of the Border Patrol via Operation JUMP START, and the flood of illegals continues transforming this nation forever. No one seems to care and yet our country is silently changing. Is this really what we want?

We'll today while I was trying to take a pre-Father's Day celebratory nap, I had an epiphany (or an epiphery as Steve Carell-as-Michael Scott would say). As I laid awake trying to sleep I developed a hypothesis and hastily scratched out some notes on a Publix shopping list(?) I had lying on my bedside table.

My hypothesis:

America has a secret plan. A plan developed sub rosa by a few in a secluded, quiet room. The plan is to save America by allowing a flood of young, illegal aliens to enter the United States! Save America? How could a huge influx of unskilled, poorly educated, young, Spanish-speaking aliens save America? And from what?

Allow me to explain America's secret Plan.

America is dying. The U.S. Birthrate is below replacement. This is problematic for several reasons. First the obvious, with all others things held constant (if that were possible), we are not replacing ourselves with young American humans. So the natural course of events is extinction. Second, our population is aging. More and more the elderly are leaving the workforce and becoming dependent on social programs such as Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid. These social programs are funded by taxes obtained from a declining population of young workers in the workforce. This too is unsustainable. America is not alone in the global hospice. Europe, Japan, and Russia are fellow patients. All are failing to replace themselves, all are dying.

How do we prevent or at least postpone death? Europe is importing Muslims as their last, best hope to reinvigorate their workforce. Japan has refused to adopt this “immigration” policy. It has closed itself off and is shutting down. Russia is unwittingly awaiting an invasion of approximately 70 million unmarried men from China to provide the seeds of antidote to their demise. None of these “choices” is optimal for the perpetuation of these nations or their cultures. On the contrary, their cultures will be erased and their countries forever changed, rendered unrecognizable.

This brings me to America. We are “importing” our future workers from Mexico (primarily) in hopes of staving off the death of this nation. These young, (re)productive workers are eager to seek a better life in this country, the life of things available to a middle class of which they have only dreamed. Having little or no middle class in Mexico they bring with them the pre-WWII life model of hard labor and large families. This give the U.S. workers to do the jobs out middle class has grown out of while providing an influx of new young workers with a propensity to reproduce at numbers exceeding anything we are willing or able to achieve. Now!

Even if we were to offer post WWII style tax credits for bearing offspring and if Americans were willing and able to take advantage of them, it would take 2-3 decades to significantly increase our population. However allowing people to freely flow into our country addresses the problem now.

There appears to be a national indifference to the illegal alien invasion. The citizenry continues to allow the elected officials to do nothing to stop the invasion. The politicians see (maybe) an opportunity to garner future votes for their party. And somewhere in secluded room there is a small group of strategic thinkers setting in motion events to preserve the United States of America by giving the country a life-saving injection of reproductive youth and a future tax base.

Is lex parsimoniae applicable here and if so which scenario is most likely? Are the politicians looking for votes or is there a group of wise, tribal elders sitting around crafting a plan to preserve the United States? In my opinion both scenarios are sickening and an affront to anyone who considers themselves a patriot. I would be surprised if someone, anyone, was thinking long-term for this country much less setting a covert course to save this country but I suppose this could be our next Manhattan Project. Our best and brightest planning the ultimate weapon to save America from all foreign threats. If this is our next Manhattan Project maybe the reason it isn't being discussed is not because it is dangerous (nuclear weapons) or likely to be leaked to other nations (China, Russia) giving them the advantage but because while the plan “saves” America, the endstate is unimaginably terrifying.

p.s. This just in:
GOP presidential candidate John McCain is inviting his Democratic rival, Barack Obama, to participate in a joint town hall
meeting at an open-borders advocacy group’s upcoming meeting in California.
“There is a meeting in California of La Raza,” McCain told reporters at an Arlington press conference Monday. “Both of us
have accepted invitations. I say that we have a town hall meeting together in front of La Raza. I think that the people will be far more informed and in some ways, entertained if we had that format.”...

La Raza will be holding their annual meeting in San Diego July
12-15. Both McCain and Obama are scheduled to address the more
than 20,000 expected attendees. 2

Folks, my blood just reached 212°F and a wave of nausea has settled upon me...again. Someone please explain to me how I am wrong and this is right. Please?

2 “McCain Proposes La Raza Townhall” by Amanda Carpenter, Monday, June 16, 2008.

1 Lex Parsimoniae – a Latin term for the Laws of Parsimony. A fancy reference to the the theory of Occam's Razor
which, more or less, suggests the simplest answer is usually the correct one.


  1. dave, aside from my sense that this plan was presented by you, tongue-in-cheek, assuming you are serious, the birth rate hit 2.1 just a few months ago. i doubt if twelve million illegals, in a country of 300, reproducing like rabbits could affect the rate as much as you claim. i do not think we are importing labor as much as politicians are importing voters. combine that with the notion that hostility to illegals is regarded as politically incorrect xenophobia, and spineless politicians, who just want to be liked by the media, are unwilling to do anything that might be portrayed as hostile to immigrants. you might as well get used to the idea of press 1 for english, spanish-only sections in every town, and tiendas on every street corner because we are, whether we like it or not, becoming hispanified. the barn door has been left open for too long and the horses are long gone. it is simply too late to affect any meaningful change. so get that second job and send the wife to work because your government will need the tax revenue to pay for their social security, medical expenses, educations, housing assistance, foodstamp, and welfare demands.

  2. This is depressing - either candidate is willing to sell out hard working Americans for votes.

    Esto es deprimente -, ya sea candidato está dispuesto a vender a cabo duro trabajo americanos para las votaciones.

  3. freedom, are you a closet spanish speaker or did you just run that sentence through a garden variety online translator?

  4. Nope - I'm uneducated, uncultured, public school spawn. Translation courtesy of google. I was just reiterating bert's sentiment.

  5. David, what makes you think your w.a.s.p. culture is the best culture? You white republicans that hang out at this blog are so arrogant you don't even see it. The Mexican immigration is just the next natural phase in American history.

  6. Get rid of the wasps and turn the US into another Mexico. Good idea! Sounds like an excellent culture.

    Why not lay down and let nature take its course. Give up the American way because times are a changing.

    It has become politically incorrect to be a white, Christian, American. Especially one who works and expects to keep the money they earn.

    If you are white you are a racist. Period. You should be ashamed of what people who lived here long ago have done. It doesn't matter that you personally believe slavery was horrid. You owe black people.
    If you are Christian you are intolerant. You need to be more like the peaceful head chopping Islamists.
    If you are a working American you are greedy and need to feel guilty about not living in poverty.

    By the way, how did this turn into a wasp thing? Did I miss something in David's writing?

  7. W.a.s.p.'s are the dominant republican demographic. Republicans are the primary opponents of working-class Mexican immigrants. Ergo.....

    To your other point, I am sure Native Americans were appreciative of millions of unassimilated, white Europeans colonizing their home and dominating their culture. You can buy that manifest destiny crap Ed talks about, but it's just a lame rationalization for having done far worse to Native Americans than what the Mexicans are doing now.

  8. "Republicans are the primary opponents of working-class Mexican immigrants."

    HAHAHA. Please, working class Mexican immigrants. They are working yes, but they don't pay taxes and they are illegal. You guys are reading this article way too literally. Consider this article something like that of a Modest Proposal. This isn't actually a solution to the American problem. Wether you like to believe it or not WASPs were the ones that started this country, and wrote its laws. We have WASPs to thank for everything that is great about America. Hating WASPs is hating America. I have to agree with Anon at 7:14. Racism has become a large issue in America, but not because white people are racists. Racism exists because people want it to, not because there are actually racists in this country. Sure there are people who hate certain people for their race, but those people are a dying breed. Alot of you guys read way too far into this article.

  9. Like David said, if you white people want to keep your culture, you had better start breeding. You can't claim as yours, the national culture, if you are in the minority. Minorities already make up over 30% of the population. In another 100 years the US will look like any another Latin-American country. And nobody will remember Washington, Jefferson, or Franklin. Barack Obama will be remembered as the founding father of the New America.

  10. Barack Obama will be remembered as the founding father of the New America. Haha what a load. White people can claim the country as theirs. It was started by white people. Is the owner of a company not the owner simply because he is not over 50% of the people that work there?

  11. Dear Anonymous:
    Before you deride "WASP" culture take a look at the flow of people across the border. You will find a unidirectional flow TOWARDS the USA of folks seeking a BETTER life. If Mexico and the "Hispanic" culture are so revered why do we not see an exodus from the USA TOWARDS Mexico.

    Here's an analogy you may understand,assuming your are not up to your neck in rental furniture. Why don't you try opening up your house to any and every stranger that seeks to enter and let me know how that works our for you.

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